Christopher Marlowe (1564-1593)


1. Born in Canterbury, Kent and died in Deptford, near London.

2. Noted especially for his establishment of dramatic blank verse.

3. Shakespeare's most important predecessor in English Drama.

4. Second child and eldest son of John Marlowe.

5. On Jan 14, 1579 entered to Corpus Christi College of Cambridge.

6. In 1584 obtained his bachelor degree.

7. In 1587 university hesitated to award him master degree due to its absences. This matter was solved after Privy Council sent a letter declaring him “on the matters touching the benefit of his country”.

8. Marlowe won a dangerous reputation for Atheism.

9. On May 18, 1593 he was killed by Ingram Frizar, in the company of Nicholas Skeres and Robert Poley at a lodging house of Deptford. It was alleged that a fight broke out between them over the bill.


1. Tamburlaine The Great (in 2 parts)

2. The Tragical History of Dr. Faustus

3. The Famous Tragedy of the Rich Jew of Malta

4. The Massacre at Paris

5. The Trouble Reign and Lamentable Death of Edward the Second

6. Translation of Ovid's Amores

7. Translation of the first book of Lucan's Pharsalia

8. Hero and Leader (Unfinished poem, the no-dramatic Elizabethan poem apart from those produced by Spenser)

9. Dildo, Queen Carthage: Joint work of Marlowe and Nash

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